07 August 2008

Enjoying Time

Time can be so different depending on one's circumstances. Sometimes it rushes by, sometimes it calm, sometimes it seems to stand still. Time for me the last two days has been nice. Relaxed and pleasant.

I went to spend time with a friend as I had to go for a dentist appointment in the next town and instead of rushing back home for no good reason I decided to spend the night. We had a lovely time. There are pluses in being on one's own. Since I didn't choose to be in this state I guess I better put it to some good use! I had to have a mouth x-ray before going to the dentist but I was fortunate and there was only one filling that needed to be replaced and some pretty painful cleaning. I don't like to have anesthetic (gee wonder if I spelled that right) so the dentist told me I was very brave. Would have been nice to get a lolly but I guess the dentist wouldn't do that would he.

So back to my stay with my friend. Before getting there I decided to have a little spending splurge and bought a small cd/alarm clock for beside the bed so that I can listen to cd's when going to bed. And I bought a new top. Huge expense at $13.95. I am the last of the big spenders.

Well, my friend, Norma and I talked, laughed, watched a bit of TV and I learned a new crochet stitch. Started a lapghan. Norma is a good cook and she fed me well. Went to bed in a comfy bed with the electric blanket making it warm and cosy. Today another friend came for lunch with us so more laughing together like girls. Well, we still feel like girls on the inside. And I watched a video that had a section where we were in Halls Creek, West Australia and my late husband was on it. It was so good to see him there smiling and having a good time. It was taken on the 6th Aug 2004 and today is the 7th August 2008 and tomorrow would be his 70th birthday and there we were just getting ready to celebrate his 65th. So Mary and I reminisced about the surprise party we gave him at the caravan park in Halls Creek.

Ah well, then I came home lit the fire and fed the cat who was very glad to see me after two days. She is now asleep on the bed at my feet. I am so blessed to have a wireless laptop so I can be propped up here in a nice warm bed typing away.

Enough or the ramblings of this retired lady for one day.


Jan said...

Jennifer, I loved reading about your day and your girl time. Your writing is excellent, keep up the good work..I am wanting to read more!

Hugs, Janet in Michigan

Unknown said...

Hi Mom,
I have you bookmarked now - I've really got to get into RSS more. Nice to hear about your day. Have been meaning to email. Hope you're feeling better. Thinking of you today.
Han xx

Marjorie said...

hi Jennifer
Read your blog-it is good-keep it up. Hope to see you soon
God bless

Andrew said...

Good stuff! I can't believe it's been five years since you travelled up north.

I am thinking of you on this difficult day.

Good on you for starting a new blog, I have subscribed to the RSS feed - hopefully yours updates more often than my poor lonely blog does. ;-)